Friday, October 26, 2012

Freezer burn Background Tests

Painting background for my film. I enjoy having so much control over the look and getting away from Maya. The animation is done (with some tweaks if I have time..), and I can't wait to put it all together! only 20 days left to go..

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Business Card Design

Unifying design of website, resume, and business cards. I decided to stay away from characters or colors that might annoy me soon.

Animating for 'Consume What'

One of three shot's I'm animating for Aditys senior film 'Consmue what'. Animating cereal boxes was a nice change and a lot of fun!

New Website

For Professional development class at SCAD I was required to re-create my website according to the instructors guides. The sited definitely got more organized but I'm not happy about the Wix commercials. I plan to redo and code it by myself in Winter break.

Rendering out some animtion

I discovered Renderman. It gave me really fast decent rendering results. I'm currently exploring the power of it and I'm really excited.